
  • Mining company Burgundy Diamond Mines reports a recovery of 1.22 million carats during quarter 2 of 2024. This is a decrease by 10% in comparison with the same quarter previous year, which is in line with the decrease in the total volume of tonnes the company has processed (Q2-2023: 1.36 million). Burgundy sold 1.03 million carats and the sales happened over three sales events, including one fancy sale. The mining company achieved significant progress in several key areas this quarter.

  • Rio Tinto has completed a 3.5 megawatt (MW) solar power plant at its Diavik Diamond Mine in Canada’s Northwest Territories, the largest off-grid solar facility in Canada’s territories. Featuring 6,620 panels, the plant generates 4.2 million kilowatt-hours annually, cutting diesel use by one million liters per year and cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2,900 tonnes of CO2 equivalent—comparable to removing 630 cars from the road.

  • Rio Tinto’s Diavik diamond mine in the Northwest Territories to be the recipients of this year’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) Excellence Awards.

    The TSM Excellence Awards were introduced in 2014 and comprise two categories: the TSM Environmental Excellence Award and the TSM Community Engagement Excellence Award. For mining companies to qualify for these awards, they must be actively applying TSM principles.

  • Rio Tinto has made $40 million investment in the first phase of underground mining below the existing A21 open pit at its Diavik Diamond Mine which started commercial production in 2018 in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The Diavik mine, Canada’s largest mine produces on the order of 6.5 million carats (+/-) of rough diamonds per year and has unearthed more than 100 million carats since its opening.

  • Rio Tinto, which owns 100% of the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories in Canada, has lowered Diavik’s 2023 production forecast – from 4.5 to 5 million carats to 3 to 3.8 million carats.
    According to IDEX Online, Rio Tinto “gave no explanation for the lower forecast in its fourth quarter production results.” In 2022, actual production was on target – 4.7 million carats.
    The Diavik diamond mine opened in 2003 and is scheduled to close in 2025.

    Source: IDEX | Israeli Diamond
    Photo Credit: Rio Tinto

  • A one-of-a-kind yellow and pink diamond ring showcasing the finest gems from Rio Tinto’s diamond mines has been unveiled in Sydney. Titled the Diavik Midnight SunTM, this statement piece is a powerful symbol of the union of two of the world’s most coveted jewels: yellow diamonds from Rio Tinto’s Diavik diamond mine in sub-Arctic Canada, and Argyle Pink DiamondsTM from the iconic mine in the remote East Kimberley region of Western Australia.

  • 1,5 years after the closing of the famous Argyle mine in Western Australia, which produced the vast majority of the world’s fancy pink diamonds, Rio Tinto announces a partner program that will continue the legacy of the Argyle Pink Diamonds brand, releasing the names of the first two “Icon Partners”, John Calleija and Joh Glajz, both having worked with Argyle’s precious pink diamonds for decades.

  • Amid reduced supply, Rio Tinto’s rough diamond sales rose by 9% to $501 million in 2021. Strong diamond jewelry sales and thus growing strong prices bolstered these results.

    “We saw a recovery in diamond prices following a pandemic-related buildup of demand and low inventory levels”, Rio Tinto stated.