Natural Diamond Council, the authoritative resource on natural diamonds, has released its 2023 analytical report entitled, Diamond Facts: Addressing myths and misconceptions about the diamond industry. Through this report, the Natural Diamond Council (NDC) set out to address misinformation about both natural diamonds and laboratory-grown diamonds for industry players, retailers, and consumers alike.
Australia-based Burgundy Diamond Mines has signed a binding share purchase agreement to acquire Canada-based Artic Canadian’s (AC) assets, including the entirety of Ekati Diamond mine, for nearly $136m. AC owns 100% of all businesses, assets and other interests comprising the producing Ekati mine in Canada’s Northwest Territories and expects the sale to result in a significant recapitalization of the firm and allow for continued operations for the Ekati Diamond Mine, which has been in production for nearly 25 years.
(PETRA PRESS RELEASE): Petra Diamonds Limited announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 December 2022.
Richard Duffy, Chief Executive Officer at Petra Diamonds commented:
Round prices fell yet again during January amid continued hesitancy in the markets, although fancies fared much better. Overall demand remains slow, sentiment is weak, and manufacturing in India is still well below full capacity. Estimates for the number of workers laid off in Surat vary between 10,000 and 20,000. China scrapped its zero-COVID policy in December, which has freed up trade and travel, but has seen infection levels well above anything the country has ever experienced.
Chroma Diamonds founded by Alexander Appels and Jan De Henau is a relatively new company in the Antwerp diamond district, which specializes in colored diamonds. Stymied by the relatively “subjective process of color grading”, the 2 have set out on a mission to develop a device that provides more objective measurements for the grading of colored stones.
According to market analysis firm Seeking Alpha, Signet’s management seems to be doing all the right things - whether it's making smart acquisitions, divesting a risky sub-prime financing business, shutting underperforming stores, or maintaining strong margins.
The Chinese National Gemstone Testing Center (or NGTC for short) has issued the first digital certificates (or e-Certificate) for their strategic partner, Chow Taifook (or CTF for short). This is an important step for NGTC’s digitizing transformation. By downloading the NGTC APP or using the WeChat Applet, a user only needs to scan the NGTC certificate code to retrieve the NGTC digital certificate immediately.
Industry analyst Edahn Golan takes an in-depth look at US jewelry sales trends and sees a lot of indications it is going to be a terrific holiday season.
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After a roller coaster 2020, 2021 continued the upswing in jewelry sales to a degree few if any expected. Sales in October rose 37%, and we expect holiday jewelry sales to top that and close a fantastic year for the industry.
It is no secret that since De Beers stopped shouldering the promotional burden for the diamond industry more than a decade ago, investment in category marketing has steadily declined. The Diamond Producers Association (DPA) was created a couple of years ago, but by their own admission their efforts alone are not enough, and more funds are needed.
In an in-depth analysis, Rapaport's Avi Krawitz maps who is buying rough from the four main diamond producers, De Beers, Alrosa, Rio Tinto and Dominion Diamonds, combined accounting for an estimated 60% of global rough supply.