
  • Mining company Burgundy Diamond Mines reports a recovery of 1.22 million carats during quarter 2 of 2024. This is a decrease by 10% in comparison with the same quarter previous year, which is in line with the decrease in the total volume of tonnes the company has processed (Q2-2023: 1.36 million). Burgundy sold 1.03 million carats and the sales happened over three sales events, including one fancy sale. The mining company achieved significant progress in several key areas this quarter.

  • Australian miner Burgundy Diamond Mines, operating the Ekati mine in Canada's Northwest Territories is looking at the potential to extend the Misery underground mine's life beyond the anticipated 2025 end of life date. Extension drilling is ongoing to assess whether the main ore body is deeper and wider than originally assumed. Updated resource estimates are expected to be announced later this year, with an updated mine plan. 

    Photo credit: Burgundy Diamond Mines