KAO Mine Breaks Personal Record with a new 47.80-carat Pink Diamond

Mining and Exploration

In recent years, the Kao Mine in Lesotho has established itself as a leading producer of exceptional pink diamonds. Over the last few years, some remarkable stones have been recovered, including the Pink Storm, the Purple Princess and the Rose of Kao. The last discovery, the Pink Palesa a 21.86-carat Pink Palesa diamond, was sold in June of 2021 in Antwerp by Bonas Group.
Confirming Kao’s role as a key producer of pink diamonds, the miner, Storm Mountain Diamonds (Pty) Ltd, announces the recovery and sale of an exceptional pink diamond weighing 47.80 cts, the largest pink diamond recovered at Kao to date. The diamond has been named the Pink Eternity, and it undoubtedly has the sweetest pink colour for which Kao Mine has become well known. Further details about the sale of the Pink Eternity will be made known by the mine and miners in the near future.
